Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dream: They won't let me in

Small scene from a larger dream. The rest is gone; this remains:

I walk by an open door and look in. It appears to be a church, Catholic, probably, although I've never been in a Catholic church. It is full of people sitting in pews, and at the front of the room, on a platform is Dylan, playing his guitar. At least I can see him playing, but I can't hear anything. I can't believe that it is really him, and I try to enter the room. I want to hear him play; I want to talk to him. But the doorman stops me and refuses to let me in. I protest to no avail. The doorman does not give any reasons; in fact, I'm not sure he speaks at all, but he is adamant that I not be allowed in. I think I can see a youngish clergyman at the front of the room but below Dylan and off to the side, like he is supervising. I think Dylan might have seen me, but I have to go away because they will not let me in.

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