Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The labyrinth is a mythical manifestation of the spiral concept, but while the labyrinth has its minotaur or sphinx (as in Harry Potter), the spiral is its own monster. Heroes attempt to maneuver the labyrinth and conquer the beast within, while the spiral captures and manipulates. All become victims to the spiral. If the sea is a labyrinth, then perhaps leviathan and the whale are its monsters. But the sea also holds spiraling vortexes, sucking in unsuspecting victims to its watery depths.

Wayne - More to come . . .


Anonymous said...

Isn't there a movie out about rich house mouse that gets sucked down a drain into the sewer? Not to mention the long awaited re-release of the Ninja Turtles


Ariana aka Leviathan said...

I don't know, but I'm intrigued. You were in my dream last night, Wayne. You and your brilliance.